2024 Our Commitment Bid-Off Sale
September 22, 2024 – Bids Due By 7 PM CST
To place your bid – Craig Steck 319-530-8790 or Stephanie Steck 402-680-1254

Lot 1 | 808
We kick off the 2024 Our Commitment Phone Bid-off Sale with an elite female who is undoubtedly one of the best Shorthorn females we have ever seen. This female will be a player in the supreme drives anywhere in the country. Lot 1 is good enough that even the guys shopping the other breeds in the pen chase her around for a while. A truly elite female no matter the breed who just so happens to be a Shorthorn. If you are in the market for one that can run at any level in the show ring, then when it’s over, take your breeding program to a new level, look no further. The Chelsie cow family has quickly become one of the best the Shorthorn breed has to offer. 2018, 2020 and 2021 Shorthorn show heifers of the year with 17 Grand or Reserve Grand finishes at the NAILE, American Royal, NWSS, and OKC since 2018.

Lot 2 | 701
Some years as a cattle breeder, absolutely everything goes wrong, there seems to be no right in sight. Other years, it is a different story. Our calf crop and especially the Shorthorns in 2024, are that story. If you would ask me to rank a calf crop, this one has never been better and lot 1 and 2 would be at the top of the all-time greats list, we have been a part of no doubt. Roan or Red you can do no wrong and I can assure you that you will not find any better in all the land. Lot 2 offers the phenomenal color and hair coat to accompany her extra foot, bone, body shape, structure, and power. Combining all the extras, what makes this one elite, is her striking feminine look from the profile. Anyone who raises stock will understand there can be some gives and takes, it’s extra special when one has all at once! In our opinion, there is no doubt both Shorthorn females are top-tier in their quality, and we expect them to battle it out at the majors all year.

Lot 3 | 409M
OMG!!! From day one this heifer has been special. Like I referenced before, some years you can do nothing right others nothing wrong. We were blessed from above with high-end heifer prospects this year and we mean it when we say this set is top-tier. Never has this female had a bad day. Presence, body shape, power, structure, and look, the list of her qualities goes on and on. The Walker family and ours have shared countless great memories over the years going to shows and when this one hit the ground, I never wanted to rewind the clock on Whitney’s show career faster. What I would give to have one more shot at the illusive Supreme title at the North American with them and this heifer. Eric might have put it best, “We never had the chance to put a halter on one that good for Whitney.” Although we take pride in the past, opportunities multiply as they are seized. We are excited to open the doors and work with a new family to make more amazing memories. The quality of this female is undeniable. Her dominant mother’s track record sure would back her through a show career and follow the next generation of offspring as elite show prospects for years to come.

Lot 4 | 273
There is one motto we live by around here whether we add to our herd or recommend any lot to a potential customer: buy cows you can show. We believe 100% in the POWER of the mother cow. Every heifer in the bid-off has a PROVEN dam behind them, they have not only produced but have won the biggest shows. Here is a direct daughter of the famed Lucy 610D donor. 610D was an American Royal and NAILE champion as a show heifer who has since raised National Champions in 3 different breeds through her storied career in production with a daughter capturing Reserve Supreme honors at the NAILE in 2021. This is the first time we have taken her to All Me, and we fell in love with the mating! Huge foot and bone, flawless structure with a big bold rib cage and undeniable presence and profile from the side. This is without a doubt a SPECIAL animal with unlimited upside and with the cow power behind her has the ability to accomplish the biggest goals in the ring and in the pasture. This is what a future champion looks like in the fall.
dam. Lucy 610D

Lot 5 | 830
She got it from her momma. No really, she did! A carbon copy of the Reserve Supreme Champion Female, 2021 NAILE Junior Show. Whether you prefer terms like “national caliber”, “elite”, “unit”, or insert other terms here, I know one thing for sure, it’s that she doesn’t suck and will hang banners. We love our Lucy cows for many reasons. It absolutely is not limited to what they accomplish in the show ring, but just as importantly for us, they make the best cows money can buy. The programs that have invested in these genetics always tell us they are the best-looking cows in the herd. Take a proven maternal track record with the fact that they are tough as nails to beat in the show ring, they make for a lethal combination. We fully expect Lot 5 to bring home trophies from a show to fill your house and put your children through college when you turn her out for production.
dam. Lucy DT 046H “008” (Dual Threat X 610D)
Res. Supreme Champion Female, 2021 NAILE

Lot 6 | 1902
If you are still reading the footnotes and looking through the pictures and videos you have figured out by now that this set of females is high, high-end. This Fall when we decided to switch to a bid-off sale after several years of selling private treaty, we wanted to make sure that the entire country knew what our program is about, and that is offering to juniors the most competitive show heifer prospects you can find anywhere across multiple breeds. We have selected these 7 females to sell in a phone bid-off format while the other 35 heifers will be sold by private treaty or in a live auction format through various sales (The Showcase Shorthorn Event; Nov. 3rd, Divas and Donors; Nov. 29th – Black Friday). If you are looking for something that meets a specific endpoint or level please reach out, we would be happy to discuss and likely will have a calf that fits the need well. Pictures and videos of those cattle will be available by request after the conclusion of the phone bid-off sale.
Now back to this Miley daughter, a high-tying female with a wild look from the side, bold rib cage, stout square hip, and big-time running gear. We expect this female to be highly competitive, both as a high Chianina and MaineTainer from her first show to her last.
Miley 43W is no stranger to raising the good ones. The Nikkel boys from Kansas, who are now both grown men, made a name for themselves exhibiting a 43W daughter all around the country in 2014. Kinnick Paulsen showed a full sister to high honors in 2023: Grand Champion MaineTainer and Reserve Grand Champion Chianina female the same week at the NWSS! These genetics have stood the test of time and are still as competitive as any in the country.
dam. Miley 43W (Who Da Man)

Lot 5 | 1815
he lucky lot 7 of the 2024 Our Commitment Bid-off sale, and what a way to end it! She is the most exotic-looking creature on the place. Itty bitty necked, massive in her foot and bone with a bold rib cage, stout hip, and elite flexibility. They don’t make high Maine’s like this one every day. Her dam, Skittles, is a 3-year-old cow we purchased from the Tim Holm family as a baby. I was tempted to resell Skittles that fall many times but could never quite come to terms with letting her go. The breeding pieces Skittles offered me ultimately made me keep her. I have never been so happy to have kept a cow before in my life, Steph will tell you I love to sell all the ones she likes to hoard. Skittles’ mother was a dominant force earning the Champion High Maine title at the 2015 Junior National for Cade Austin of Wisconsin and has since raised many other champions nationally. In her first year of production, she raised the infamous Cabo that Keagan and Lacey Caffee campaigned in OKC and finished her spring run as the Supreme Champion Female at Steers & Stripes in Sedalia, MO. I have a ton of confidence in this calf as a show heifer to collect hardware, but acknowledge that with the uniqueness of her attributes, the future progeny will be something to be seen!
dam. Skittles (Daddy’s Money X P.Blend/Heat Wave)
- Steck Cattle 2024 Our Commitment 9.22.2024 Bid-off, Woodstock, Minnesota
- Steck Cattle 2024 Our Commitment offering is first come, first serve by Private Treaty – Woodstock, Minnesota
- Steck Cattle 2024 The Shorthorn Showcase 11/3 – Laurel, Nebraska
- Steck Cattle 2024 Divas & Donors Contributions 11/29 – Dixon, Illinois
- Steck Cattle 2024 Online Sale October 2024
All cattle must be picked up within 15 days of purchase, unless other arrangements have been made. All cattle must be paid for in full at time of purchase, unless other terms have been agreed upon. Cattle cannot be picked up without being paid for.
DNA RETAINED – Steck Cattle and partners/consignors retain the rights to obtain DNA material on all cattle selling.
Retaining 50% Embryo Interest in ALL FEMALES selling by auction or private treaty. At our expense and owners convenience.
Offering show rights and 50% embryo interest in 409M Memphis Mafia X 610D.
LIABILITY – All information is subject to change. Not responsible for accidents or injury to persons during or at sale.
HEALTH – Each animal will be represented with state approved health certificate for interstate shipment. All vaccinations are up to date.
BREEDING GUARANTEE – All cattle sells AS IS.
LIABILITY – All information is subject to change. Not responsible for accidents or injury to persons during or at sale.
HEALTH – Each animal will be represented with state approved health certificate for interstate shipment. All vaccinations are up to date.
BREEDING GUARANTEE – All cattle sells AS IS.
It is our commitment to you to help with all aspects of your animals success. We will always do our best to assist ALL customer with daily care, feeding programs, showmanship, clipping and fitting at shows. We treat all families, exhibitors and animals as if they are our own.
From time to time, new owners have leaned on our ability to help care for their animals at our location. We will provide assistance at your discretion. This daily care can include but is not limited to the following: daily feeding, health, show preparation and breeding management. We also offer our services to exhibit your animal at various shows across the country. We will haul, set stalls, perform daily show care, show day fitting and show management. All costs will be agreed upon by the seller and owner. Accounts will be billed quarterly. All animals MUST be insured at all times if they are at our location or in our care. We can not be held liable if death or injury occurs to your animal while in our care.
Our talented team is available to assist you at some shows during the year. Please feel free to discuss the shows you are interested in attending with Craig & Stephanie.
2023 Our Commitment ONLINE SALE
Important 2023 Sale Information
Steck Cattle 2023 Our Commitment offering is first come, first serve by Private Treaty.
Steck Cattle 2023 Our Commitment Online Offering, 10/25 SC Online Sales.
Steck Cattle 2023 Divas & Donors Contributions 11/24 – Dixon, Illinois
All cattle must be picked up within 15 days of purchase, unless other arrangements have been made. All cattle must be paid for in full at time of purchase, unless other terms have been agreed upon. Cattle cannot be picked up without being paid for.
DNA/FLUSHES – Steck Cattle and consignors retain the rights to obtain DNA material on all cattle selling. Also, retaining the rights to two successful flushes on all females in our offering private or auction. At our expense and owners convenience.
50% Embryo Interest in all heifers selling. At sellers expense and buyers convenience.
50% interest on 24/04L.
LIABILITY – All information is subject to change. Not responsible for accidents or injury to persons during or at sale.
HEALTH – Each animal will be represented with state approved health certificate for interstate shipment. All vaccinations are up to date.
BREEDING GUARANTEE – All cattle sells AS IS.
It is our commitment to you to help with all aspects of your animals success. We will always do our best to assist ALL customer with daily care, feeding programs, showmanship, clipping and fitting at shows. We treat all families, exhibitors and animals as if they are our own.
From time to time, new owners have leaned on our ability to help care for their animals at our location. We will provide assistance at your discretion. This daily care can include but is not limited to the following: daily feeding, health, show preparation and breeding management. We also offer our services to exhibit your animal at various shows across the country. We will haul, set stalls, perform daily show care, show day fitting and show management. All costs will be agreed upon by the seller and owner. Accounts will be billed quarterly. All animals MUST be insured at all times if they are at our location or in our care. We can not be held liable if death or injury occurs to your animal while in our care.
Our talented team is available to assist you at several shows during the year. Please feel free to discuss the shows you are interested in attending with Craig & Stephanie.
Important 2022 Sale Information
Steck Cattle 2022 offering is first come, first serve by Private Treaty.
PICKUP/DELIVERY – All cattle must be picked up within 15 days of purchase, unless other arrangements have been made. All cattle must be paid for in full at time of purchase, unless other terms have been agreed upon. Cattle cannot be picked up without being paid for.
DNA/FLUSHES – Steck Cattle and consignors retain the rights to obtain DNA material on all cattle selling. Also, retaining the rights to two successful flushes on all females in our offering at our sellers and owners convenience. Several lots we will be retaining 50% embryo interest in.
LIABILITY – All information is subject to change. Not responsible for accidents or injury to persons during or at sale.
HEALTH – Each animal will be represented with state approved health certificate for interstate shipment. All vaccinations are up to date.
BREEDING GUARANTEE – All cattle sells AS IS.
It is our commitment to you to help with all aspects of your animals success. From time to time, new owners have leaned on our ability to care for their animals at our location. We will provide assistance at your discretion. This daily care can include but is not limited to the following: daily feeding, health, show preparation and breeding management. We also offer our services to exhibit your animal at various shows across the country. We will haul, set stalls, perform daily show care, show day fitting and show management. All costs will be agreed upon by the seller and owner. Accounts will be billed quarterly. All animals MUST be insured at all times if they are at our location or in our care. We can not be held liable if death or injury occurs to your animal while in our care.
Important 2021 Sale Information
Steck Cattle 2021 offering is first come, first serve by Private Treaty.
PICKUP/DELIVERY – All cattle must be picked up within 15 days of purchase, unless other arrangements have been made. All cattle must be paid for in full at time of purchase, unless other terms have been agreed upon. Cattle cannot be picked up without being paid for.
DNA/FLUSHES – Steck Cattle and consignors retain the rights to obtain DNA material on all cattle selling. Also, retaining the rights to two successful flushes on all females in our offering at our sellers and owners convenience.
RETAINING 1 flush per year on 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 & 17. At sellers expense and buyers convenience.
LIABILITY – All information is subject to change. Not responsible for accidents or injury to persons during or at sale.
HEALTH – Each animal will be represented with state approved health certificate for interstate shipment. All vaccinations are up to date.
BREEDING GUARANTEE – All cattle sells AS IS.
It is our commitment to you to help with all aspects of your animals success. From time to time, new owners have leaned on our ability to care for their animals at our location. We will provide assistance at your discretion. This daily care can include but is not limited to the following: daily feeding, health, show preparation and breeding management. We also offer our services to exhibit your animal at various shows across the country. We will haul, set stalls, perform daily show care, show day fitting and show management. All costs will be agreed upon by the seller and owner. Accounts will be billed quarterly. All animals MUST be insured at all times if they are at our location or in our care. We can not be held liable if death or injury occurs to your animal while in our care.
Important 2020 Sale Information
Steck Cattle 2020 offering is first come, first serve by Private Treaty.
PICKUP/DELIVERY – All cattle must be picked up within 15 days of purchase, unless other arrangements have been made. All cattle must be paid for in full at time of purchase, unless other terms have been agreed upon. Cattle cannot be picked up without being paid for.
DNA/FLUSHES – Steck Cattle and consignors retain the rights to obtain DNA material on all cattle selling. Also, retaining the rights to two successful flushes on all females in our offering at our sellers and owners convenience.
RETAINING 1 flush per year on 253, 150 & 238. At sellers expense and buyers convenience.
LIABILITY – All information is subject to change. Not responsible for accidents or injury to persons during or at sale.
HEALTH – Each animal will be represented with state approved health certificate for interstate shipment. All vaccinations are up to date.
BREEDING GUARANTEE – All cattle sells AS IS.
It is our commitment to you to help with all aspects of your animals success. From time to time, new owners have leaned on our ability to care for their animals at our location. We will provide assistance at your discretion. This daily care can include but is not limited to the following: daily feeding, health, show preparation and breeding management. We also offer our services to exhibit your animal at various shows across the country. We will haul, set stalls, perform daily show care, show day fitting and show management. All costs will be agreed upon by the seller and owner. Accounts will be billed quarterly. All animals MUST be insured at all times if they are at our location or in our care. We can not be held liable if death or injury occurs to your animal while in our care.
Recent Champions From Steck Cattle

Shorthorn Show Female of the Year
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, 2021 American Royal
Res. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, 2021 NAILE
Res. Champion Shorthorn Female, 2022 OKC
Congratulations to Keagan Steck, Minnesota
sire. Right Direction • dam. STECK Chelsie 411B
Sold By Us
Raised by Sullivan Farms

Shorthorn Show Female of the Year 2020
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, 2020 American Royal
Res. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, 2020 NAILE
Res. Grand Champion Shorthorn Feamle, 2021 OKC
Congratulations to Keagan Steck, Minnesota
sire. Hot Commodity • dam. Chelsie 210Z
Sold as lot 4 – 2017 Our Commitment Sale
Raised by Us & The Walker Family